Sunday, 29 July 2007

Left my soul there.. down by the sea..

Today I had all sorts of plans of doing things around London. Eg the red bull air race was on which looked pretty fun. But then I thought, I really really need to get out of London. So I looked up trains to Brighton late lastnight and saw it only took an hour to get out there. Having lived by the water most of my life, I do need to reconnect with it everynow and then. And the Thames is about appealing as and brown as our Brisbane river. Hence, Brighton was close and off I went. I got there at about lunch time - the weather forecast was average. It was a bit cloudy, but it certainly wasn't raining (compared to the rest of the country which is flooding - apparently this is the wettest summer on record - grr).

Now, I know beaches over here aren't like beaches at home. Brighton's beaches have giant soft round pebbles (no sand). They're actually really nice to walk on, and are quite comfortable to lie on as well. It was strangely refreshing to not have to brush sand off or have sand in every nook and cranny. I walked along the boardwalks and as the afternoon progressed, there were less clouds and more sun. I caught a mini electric train that runs along the beach up towards a marina. The beach was much quieter up this way. I also passed a place called CRAZY golf - a mini putt putt place on the beach. I found a nice spot on the beach and took in the blue sea and soaked up some rays. I even took a photo of the sun. I have missed the sea and the sun.

Later on, I got some fresh prawns and lobster and hot chips and ate them by the beach. There's loads of cafes, pubs, shops, rides, amusement type things - it's got a great atmosphere. It was starting to get late and I really didn't want to leave. It'd be nice to go there for a weekend. I returned to London feeling refreshed, warm and happy - that smiling on the inside stuff - it was just what I needed. Anyway, I've posted all my Brighton photos here:


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