Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Weekend update

Typical English conversation, translations and observations.

Compulsory greeting: “Hiya” – not hi, but always hiya. Everything is generally referred to as “a complete nightmare”. Everything is also generally “completely rubbish”. Everything is also “pants”. On another note, pants is the same thing as underpants (not jeans or trousers). “Scum” is what the local drug dealers refer to as pot – so caution, they’re not calling you scum - they're just referring to the drug as scum. Duvet = doona. Plasters = bandaids. Lashed = drunk.

Extra! Extra! I can’t be bothered with a full on blog entry so here’s my weekend,(just for something different) as headlines:

Friday 20 July: Amanda receives package from Australia containing promite. Amanda stays in and sets up long awaited wireless internet, chaotic weekend ahead.

Saturday 21 July: Amanda enjoys long awaited promite on toast for breakfast. Sorely missed. England is flooding – where is the sun? Lambeth Country Show is in town. 2 freakish / random bird incidents: A bird does a giant shit on Amanda’s bag whilst lunching in the park. A large escapee vulture nearly lands on / flies into Amanda at Lambeth Country Show from Birds of Prey exhibition. Amanda has a few drinks, misses a gig - sleeps for 14 hours instead. Oops.

Sunday 22 July: Giant sleep in needed badly. Amanda watches everyone at the Lovebox weekend get shitfaced, smoke dope and snort coke off credit cards. Amanda most sober person at Lovebox weekender, yet continues to have good time and dance. B52s and Groove Armada rock out. Feet ready to fall off again, collapses into bed.

Monday 23 July: Amanda visits Crazy Bear cocktail bar with secret mysterious mirror menagerie bathroom. No bears in site. Amanda enjoys sirloin steak risotto at the Risotto Bar. (MEEEAT - haven't eaten steak in quite a while). Amanda annoyed at tube for being shut - begrudgingly has to get tube plus bus to get home.

And that's a wrap..

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